AC/DC – Power Up

5 Stars

AC/DC – Power Up

Audio CD (paid link)

The boys are back and powered up. A (nearly) classic lineup of AC/DC have come out of the stud to present us with their 17th collection of new songs. AC/DC are now Angus Young on lead guitar, Brian Johnson on vocals, Phil Rudd on drums, Cliff Williams on bass and Stevie Young replacing his sadly departed uncle, Malcolm on rhythm guitar.

This wonderful selection of songs fairly crackles with energy not heard from AC/DC in many a year. Amazing what a rest can do.

Collectively they are all back breathing fire.

First song out of the gate “Realize” pushes all the right buttons. You can almost hear the cannons being fired and see the smoke whirl overhead as AC/DC let go their first salvo. The twin guitar barrage of the Youngs belts out the jagged riff. The reliable pounding bass work of Cliff Williams underpins the riff, whilst freshly reinstated God of Thunder Phil Rudd beats the drums with renewed vigor. Then Brian Johnson unleashes his Geordie howl and we are away. Soon Angus Young’s mercurial guitar solos are weaving in and out the songs. Rock’n’Roll nature is restored.

AC/DC are now Angus Young on lead guitar, Brian Johnson on vocals, Phil Rudd on drums, Cliff Williams on bass and Stevie Young replacing his sadly departed uncle, Malcolm on rhythm guitar.

There are too many highlights to mention (final song Code Red makes your head bang into a frenzy) but suffice to say there are 12 nuggets of Solid Gold Rock here. Any of which would slip into the new live set (when we get to see and hear it) nestling along nicely with the classics from the last forty years. Brendon O’Brien has also been retained in the production chair and keeps the sound very much in your face.

There are many different versions of this album to tempt you, but at the end of the day it’s the music that counts.

A perfect party album and Mott the Dog’s album of 2020.

Track Listing



Shot in the Dark

Through the Mists of Time

Kick you when You’re Down

Witches Spell

Demon Fire

Wild Reputation

No Mans Land

Systems down

Money Shot

Code Red

Written by Mott the Dog from Fletchers’ Folly on the Darkside.

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